September 2020 Update
Covid-19 jitters remain a concern to markets as the US leads the way in infection rates while South Korea and...
August 2020 Update
Globally, Covid-19 infection rates have slowed in most countries. The United States still has the highest number of confirmed cases,...
July 2020 Update
With most economies hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and associated shutdowns, it was no surprise that US GDP declined...
June 2020 Update
There was a resurgence in Covid-19 cases during June as economies around the world lifted their lockdown restrictions. At the...
May 2020 Update
Countries around the world began tentatively easing their Covid19 lockdown restrictions. The US, Europe and UK have made headway in...
April 2020 Update
By now, it is no surprise that the global economy is operating at a slowdown, unlike anything seen in recent...
March 2020 Update
On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the novel Covid-19 (or better known as the Corona-virus) a...
February 2020 Update
The State of the Nation Address and the Budget Speech were big talking points in February. While there were positives...
January 2020 Update
The Coronavirus has been the main talking point in January with fears of it turning into a global epidemic weighing...
December 2019 Update
Trade talks globally seemed to be easing with discussions of a phase one deal between the US and China on...